Tuesday, March 13, 2007


We were studying the Indian Penal Code in college today, when I came across something I didn’t quite agree with. For general information, the IPC has 511 sections, and this was from Section 309.

Quoting from the Act itself, here’s how the section goes –

Chapter XVI - Section 309
Of offences affecting the human body and human life –
Attempt to commit suicide:
Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or both.

First off, how can attempting to commit suicide be an offence? How can the law punish someone who attempts suicide? It isn’t a crime against society. The constitution gives every citizen the right to life, and there are people who argue that the right to life should also include the right to take away one’s own life. I don’t think along those lines, but I don’t think the state should be allowed to punish people for some things. Isn’t it a question of personal issues? Each individual would have their own reasons for whatever they do.

Interestingly, another section of the IPC states that any individual who abets the suicide of a minor or insane person may be punished, even with death. I think that’s a little extreme, but I do agree that the person who causes another to commit suicide should be the one punished. Although its quite rare that society drives a person to the depths of depression, it does happen, and there's no one you can pin it on then. As for the person who tries to kill himself, maybe counselling, or psychiatric help would be a better solution.

Anyway, this opened up a whole new area to debate upon and think about... :)
In my opinion – If someone tries to commit suicide, it isn’t him, but society that should be blamed. Counsel the poor guy, and reform society.

Comments are most welcome!!

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